We see no future for Tata Motors under the current scheme of things!
Tata Motors is probably giving investors their last exit opportunity.
We don't see any great future for Tata Motors unless they do something standout drastic. Infact, this could be the best opportunity to exit Tata Motors stock for perpetuity.
Here are our suggestions that can potentially change the fortunes of Tata Motors.
Unfortunately, the leadership at Tata Motors is unlikely to embark on below suggestions or they would be too hesitant to embark on such a sweeping agenda fearing possibility of being called out foolhardy and outright dumb.
1. For starters, it's ability through to reward shareholders with dividends,
appreciation in the stock price, .. by dreaming big and keeping customers
enthused(marketing the company) smartly that sets winners apart from also rans.
2. To meet the aforementioned objective Tata Motors must COPY Tesla incrementally and prudently.
4.Tata Technologies(closely held subsidiary of Tata Motors) play a pivotal role in making Tata Motors products cutting-edge besides some vendors of Tata Motors.
5. However, everyone and their uncle know how electric cars make a poor business case in the medium to long run(fewer moving parts, poor churn, lower prospects of repeat business, ... ).
6. So, Tata Technologies would've to dabble in smartphones, laptops, semiconductor designing, manufacturing semiconductors, .. laptops, tablets, .. security cameras, .. smart TVs, .. practically anything and everything connected to electronics, automatic vacuum cleaners, self-driving cars, drones, two wheelers, ... ideally at the OEM level.
7. Nobody can be a little pregnant.
8. Electric, Fuel-cells powered cars are cutting-edge electronics.
9. If you most go there, you better go all out.
10. By the way, if Tata Technologies don't go into everything else in consumer electronics, others will.
11. Further, Tata Motors wouldn't be able to stand up to competition sooner than later.
12. In any-case, cars wouldn't be a mechanical implement for long. Infact, they're already quite advanced despite being legacy ICE technology. Even Flexi fuel & CNG and PNG powered cars aren’t a exception to a limited extent.
13. Infact, the steel & other raw material that go into the body of cars are bound to get replaced by advanced nano technology, composites, .. carbon, … that have enough superior properties on all fronts to make steel and fibre glass redundant in not too distant future.
14. Tata motors really don't have much future with their inability to dream big and make their big dreams a reality.
So, we reiterate what we've already stated twice at the outset - this could be the best opportunity to exit Tata Motors stock for perpetuity. Perhaps, Maruti Suzuki as well if they don’t have great plans to revive their business with Toyota.
Kindly peruse our business interests here.